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07862542: Xylitol Coated Gum Blueberry Mint LOTTE 40x3pc 07862544: Xylitol Coated Gum Lime Mint LOTTE 12x6pc 07862543: Xylitol Coated Gum Lime Mint LOTTE 20x15pc 07862546: Xylitol Coated Gum Lime Mint LOTTE 20x15pc 07862545: Xylitol Coated Gum Lime Mint LOTTE 40x3pc 07862550: Xylitol Cool Herb LOTTE 50x12x6pc 07862549: Xylitol Cool Herb LOTTE 50x3x6pc 07862552: Xylitol Fresh Mint LOTTE 50x12x6pc 07862551: Xylitol Fresh Mint LOTTE 50x3x6pc          Page 4

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